In our fast-paced, constantly changing environment, it is vitally important to ask ourselves three critical questions concerning our life plans: Where am I now? Where do I want to go? And, most importantly, how would I get there?
Last week, Mr. Rogel P. Morales, a Certified Financial Planner, gave a briefing on Personal Investments/Financial Planning. His ice-breaker was that the Philippines has been growing steadily and he quickly addressed us in the audience if we, too, are growing financially along with the economy.
It was an eye-opener or even a wake-up call for most of us. Mr. Morales pinpointed the possible factors that we could consider so as to benefit from the economy’s growth. With his expert knowledge on personal investing, he definitely has inspired us to start saving and investing our money wisely. Instead of us being typecast as “man (or woman) at work”, he urged us to put our “money to work” with the end in view that we could enjoy the fruits of our investments in the latter stages of our working lives. The key, he added, is to start now.
Overall, Mr. Morales’ talk was both educational and beneficial. Beyond merely planning our personal investments, he wanted us to first identify our goals in life and to have a good picture and perspective for what we want to be and have in the future; a personal vision, in fact.
Given that we have our goals and a vision, then the execution becomes crucial. Invest at an early age; be aware of our actions that support our plans or deviate from them; and live within our means. These were the lessons Mr. Morales imparted, among others. Then we can all be happy if we did, he concluded.
Reported by:
Anna Vanessa Fabian
Executive and Administrative Assistant
KSearch Asia Consulting, Inc.